About the Ray C. Stedman Library
This web site gathers together in one place the entire Ray C. Stedman Library originated
in 1995 at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California where
Ray Stedman was pastor for 40 years. We offer fast download
of printed and audio files, free of charge for educational purposes--
according to the copyright notice at the end of each message.
We are currently adding all of Ray's in-print and out-of-print
books to this web site.
Ray C. Stedman was this century's great champion of expository
preaching. Rather than topical preaching--which is common in many
churches today--Ray believed the "whole counsel of God"
was best communicated to God's people by systematically teaching
through the entire Bible, usually an entire book at time. This
included giving the sense of the passage (Nehemiah 8:8)--and its
application to contemporary living. In this way the Christian
could build up a broad base of Biblical knowledge---since the
Bible teaches truth on various topics, "here a little there
a little, line upon line, precept upon precept." Ray's sermons
were delivered with minimal notes and when transcribed into printed
form rarely needed any editing. Ray was always prepared for questions
afterwards. It is said that he recommended to young pastors that
they spend 20 hours of preparation for a one hour message.
A favorite Scriptural verse of Ray's was:
"This is how one should regard us, as servants of
Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required
of stewards that they be found trustworthy." (1 Corinthians
Occasionally Ray would preach on an issue of critical current
concern to his audience, or on an issue of basic foundational
truth. These topical messages are usually to be found under the
category of "Single Messages."
Ray strongly emphasized the New Covenant in all his teaching.
In his very popular book Authentic
Christianity (online) he shows clearly that most nominal
churchgoers today have defaulted into some form of Old Covenant
living and have failed to discover real life in Christ as God
intended it to be under the terms of the New Covenant which our
Lord instituted at the Last Supper..
Ray's teaching on church life and government represents a return
to New Testament principles of non-hierarchical leadership in
the church and the ministry of all the saints rather than the
tradition clergy/laity division of effort common in most churches.
See our collected Leadership
Early in Ray's work at Peninsula Bible Church the Board of Elders
decided that Ray should spend most of his time teaching out of
town. This means that we have fewer books and sermons by Ray on
our web site than would otherwise exist. Ray's greater calling
was to teach young pastors around the world about Expository Preaching.
He led a vigorous movement called the Congress on Bible Exposition
(COBE) for some years. He was featured speaker at countless Bible
conferences and seminars around the world. This web site therefore
preserves only one corner of Ray Stedman's enormous influence
on the Christian community in his generation--much of it behind
the scenes and featuring the low profile of a faithful servant
of the Lord.
On this page we have attempted to very briefly summarize the
overall content of Ray's available messages. Our web site search
engine can be of some help.
For more on the life of Ray C. Stedman see his Biography
page. Elaine Stedman's 1998 message, Body
Language is an excellent survey of Ray's ministry and
life during the foundational years of Peninsula Bible Church. She has recently written on the New Covenant in response to a question.
This web site preserves all of Ray's sermons and also his books--whether
books now in print or out of print. (Books are currently being
added to the site one by one).
A further goal of this project is foreign language versions
of Ray's messages. We have made a good start in the Spanish
Library and welcome contribution to pay for the cost of
translations services. Four books in Russian by Ray Stedman are available in our Russian Library.
Contributions: This web site is supported by the gifts and contributions of interested friends. Most of the work is done by volunteers
and the web site resources are offered free of charge. Should you wish to contribute: Gateway Christian Church, 5550 Commerce Blvd., Suite 1,
Rohnert Park, CA. 94928. Designate your gift: "Raystedman.org Ministry"
Visit PBC, Palo Alto,
for sermons by other speakers and for current church information.
A note concerning pdf files:We have added Adobe Acrobat versions of the papers and many of
the books in this library. You will need Acrobat
Reader to read and print these files. The advantage is better
formatting and pagination, especially useful if you wish to print
the messages. You are welcome to print and use our messages subject
to the stated copyright limitations.
Books in print, Tapes, Booklets, and Discovery
Papers by Ray C. Stedman. A CD ROMof
this entire library and most of the other PBC sermon libraries
is available. Many of Ray Stedman's books and most of his messages
on cassette tapes or CD are available from Discovery
Publishing. Discovery Publishing may be contacted by email
at (Robin_Yee@PBC.Org).
Amazon.com carries many of
Ray's books, both books in print and used. Discovery
House Publishers is the regular publisher of Ray Stedman's
books. You may order directly from their web site.
Other Ray Stedman Resources: The complete Ray C. Stedman Library plus 67 messages
in MP3 format is available on a free CD from Firefighters
for Christ Address: #4 Santa Maria, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610, 949-470-9883
Easy Access to the Bible online and Bible Search
The Blueletter
Bible | International
Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) | Condensed
Bible Cyclopedia | Writings
of Alfred Edersheim | StudyLight
Bible Study Resources | The
Bible Browser (finds Bible passages, several versions) | The
Bible Browser, Advanced (full Boolean search engine, multiple
versions) Bible
Search Tools by Goshen | Multiple
Bible Study Tools by Goshen | Greek
and Hebrew Interlinear Bible | Bible
Concordances | Greek
and Hebrew Lexicons | Other
Bible Search Tools on Internet | A Harmony
of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles (Word); 
The Paraclete Forum
is available to answer your questions and to pray for you.
Maintained by volunteers. Last
Update August 3, 2005 by Webmaster. Broken links? Missing
files? Please let us know--we'll fix them promptly. webmaster@raystedman.org
Ray Stedman's Biography and
Tribute Page