Instructions for using the Children's Ministry CD-ROM
Please read through the following page for directions.

1.  Instructions for Training Class
2.  Printing the Training Manual
3.  The Curriculum
4.  Seminars
6.  Support
7.  Begin the Training Class!

Please refer technical questions, problems,
or comments to the Webservant.

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1.  Instructions for Training Class

There are two different ways to navigate through the Training Class CD-ROM

Guided Tour   -  Take a guided tour of the Children's Ministry Training class and follow along with Pastor Larry through 2-hour increments of the eight week course taught at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. The pages will be turned automatically to follow the same order as the class is  taught by Pastor Larry.

Audio & Video Control Panel

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These five elements give you VCR-like controls for using the audio and video sessions:

A. The teal frame with white text tells you which session you are currently playing.
B. (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) The timecode to the right of the slash displays the length of the file; the timecode on the left side of the slash indicates your current position.
C. The play/pause button. If you click once, the file begins playing; double click and the file pauses at the current position.
D. The stop button. Press this to stop playing the current file.
E. This is the scroll or slider bar. From here you can click and hold the slider to move very quickly to the middle, end or wherever you like on the audio or video.
F. These are the rewind and fast-forward  buttons. Unlike a VCR, they do not send your file to the very beginning or end; instead, these buttons move your file 2 seconds ahead for fast forward and 2 seconds back for rewind.

Page-by-Page - You can use the navigation bar (below) to go through the training manual page by page.  This will simply allow you to approach the class one page at a time, and is an excellent way to review a particular page.  This will not be the same order that Pastor Larry Enterline goes through in a regular class as led by the Holy Spirit.  Navigating page-by-page will only present the audio/video associated with the selected page(s).  If you would like to take the class in the original order, see Guided Tour link.

Navigation Bar
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Five options are available on the navigation bar:

A.  The "Real Video" button will provide you video of Pastor Larry Enterline's corresponding message pertaining specifically to the page.
B.  The Back arrow will take you to the previous page.
C.  This points to the current section and page number.
D.  The Forward arrow will take you to the next page.
E.   The "Real Audio" button will provide you audio of Pastor Larry Enterline's corresponding message pertaining specifically to the page.

2.   Printing the Training Manual

Printing the entire Manual using Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (PDF Format).

In order to print the entire 53 pages of the manual (used in the class) with the section dividers included, go to the Training Class link, then click on the Print Manual sub-heading.  This will take you to the PDF version of the Training Manual.  Once there, click on the print icon printer.gif (933 bytes) in the Adobe Acrobat Reader toolbar.

Print the Training Manual one page at time using Internet Explorer 3.0 and above.

In order to print the page of  the training manual you are viewing, click on the right mouse button and choose the Print option from the list.  If your default print settings are correct, then choose OK to print. Or as a shortcut, use Ctrl+P.

Print the Training Manual one page at time using Netscape Navigator 3.0 and above.

In order to print the page of the training manual you are viewing, click in the frame area of the page.  Choose the print button from the Netscape toolbar. Or as a shortcut, use Ctrl+P.

3.  Curriculum

We will be adding to the curriculum as it becomes available.  It will be in Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 (PDF format).  In order to print the curriculum, click on the Curriculum link, and then click on the lesson that you need (i.e., Lesson #1 - Creation).  This will take you to the PDF file for that lesson.  Then click on the print icon printer.gif (933 bytes) in the PDF toolbar.

4.   Seminars

This page is for announcing upcoming Children's Ministry seminars.   It will provide the seminar information, classes, and times.

5.   Newsletters

This page provides past newsletters from the Children's Ministry of Costa Mesa available in Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 (PDF format) as examples of how to create your own newsletter.  Click on the newsletter that you want to print (e.g., February '96).  This will take you to the PDF file for that newsletter.  Then click on the print icon printer.gif (933 bytes) in the PDF toolbar.

6.   Support - Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page provides you with the most common or frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this CD, the training manual, and the curriculum.

7.  Let's Begin the Training Class!

Click on either of the two links listed below to start the Training Class:
Guided Tour

Return to Start Page: