Old Testament Series on Prayer


This series of sermons (Discovery Papers 3735 through 3745) was preached at Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California, by Ray C. Stedman from the Fall of 1980 to the Spring of 1981.


  1. The Beginning of Prayer (Gen 3:8-13) (DP #3735)
  2. Prayer's Anchor (Gen 18:22-33) (3736)
  3. Prayer's Essentials (Gen 32:9-32) (3737)
  4. Prayer's Possibilities (Num 11:4-34) (3738)
  5. Prayer's Practicality (1 Chr 4:9-10) (3739)
  6. Prayer's Fruitfulness (1 Sam 1:1 - 2:11) (3740)
  7. Prayer's Frontiers (2 Chr 6:12-40) (3741)
  8. Prayer's Humility (Dan 9:1-23) (3742)
  9. Prayer's Relationships (Job 42:5-10) (3743)
  10. Prayer's Resources (2 Chr 14:2-16:12) (3744)
  11. Prayer's Delays (Hab 1:1-3:19) (3745)


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