This CD Rom is designed to be used with your favorite web browser. No files need to be copied onto your hard disk. If you use Internet and a web browser, remember that this CD acts like a self-contained web site. The files have been tested using the Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer Browsers. There are actually dual file system directories on this CD so that this CD is fully Mac/Windows compatible.
Getting Started: Simply go to the OPEN FILE selection (FILE Menu) on your web browser and load the file called "index.html" which is on the CD in the CD root directory. Do not double click on "index.html" as you would if this file were a launchable program. Your web browser does all the work.
Resist the temptation to load any other files first! Start with the main index file, index.html, and go from there to the library or file of your choice by clicking on the internal links on the pages one by one. If you open the library from the index.html home page, the subsequent links will be easier to follow.
Text Files: The complete Ray C. Stedman sermon library of over 800 messages is included on this CD in HTML format. Each HTML sub-directory file page, also begins with an index.html page. The index page contains internal links which take you to the various files on that sub-directory. Use the BACK button on your browser to move back to the index page of the series you are interested in. Of course you may access any files on the CD directly once you know your way around, and you may Bookmark your favorite pages on your browser to quickly find a favorite part of the CD. If you get "lost" you may find the internal links on the CD may not all load properly, thus we strongly recommend loading the web site from the CDs "Home Page," which is the file index.html.
Audio Files: This CD contains a number of audio MP3 files. You may
* Set your web browser preferences to play MP3 files directly,
* Download MP3 files to your hard drive,
* Drag the icon of the MP3 file directly from the CD on to your
* Copy the files onto your portable MP3 player directly from the
The Browser Watch website (
will help you find the correct browser plug-in for playing .mp3
files on your PC or Mac. Space limitations allow us to only publish
a small number of audio files on this CD. Please visit the audio
on the Peninsula Bible Church web site for further information.
You may order conventional cassette tapes and cassette albums
of our messages from Discovery Publishing (
if you prefer.
Printing Files: You may print any HTML file from your browser window. The printed page fonts and formatting will correspond to the Preferences settings on your browser. Obviously you can reset the browser preferences for printing HTML files in any style you choose.
This CD is copyrighted, so you may not reproduce it without written permission. You are, however, welcome to copy and use any of the individual files on this disk, subject to the copyright notice which appears at the end of each sermon. Our copyright prohibits commercial use without written permission. Use of these materials for teaching purposes, for classes, and evangelism is encouraged. We ask that you not edit any of our sermon files nor plagiarize them. Please include the copyright notice at the bottom of each message when you use these files. Short quotations and citations from sermons are permitted. If in doubt about permissions, please contact Discovery Publishing, 3505 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California 94306. This CD is NOT FOR SALE but for FREE DISTRIBUTION.
Recorded on a Power Macintosh G4, OS 9.1.1 using Roxio Toast 5.0 software for the Macintosh. The format on this CD is Mac/ISO Hybrid (Macintosh/WIN).
Produced by Mike Kollen (, Bill Rust ( and Lambert Dolphin (
June 2001