Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California


The Bob Roe Library

Mary Lou and Bob Roe
Former pastor retired elder, Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, California



#1. Saul chosen & anointed king, I Samuel, Chapters 8-14 | (PDF)

#2. Saul's partial obedience, I Samuel, Chapter 15 | (PDF)

#3. David chosen & anointed, I Samuel, Chapter 16:1-15 | (PDF)

#4. David & Goliath - Part I, I Samuel 16:18-17:30, | (PDF)

#5. David & Goliath - Part II, 1 Samuel 17:31-54 | (PDF)

#6. Impulsive, Compulsive, Consumed, I Samuel 17:55-19:24 | (PDF)

#7. David pursued by Saul, I Samuel 18, 19, 20 | (PDF)

#8. David protected by Jonathan - Part I, 1 Samuel 20 | (PDF)

#9. David protected by Jonathan - Part II, 1 Samuel 20 :32-42 | (PDF)

#10. David & Ahimelech & Achish, 1 Samuel 21 | (PDF)

#11. David at Adullam, Saul slays Ahimelech, 1 Samuel 22 | (PDF)

#12. David in wilderness of Maon, 1 Samuel 23 | (PDF)

#13. At Engedi, David spares Saul, 1 Samuel 24 | (PDF)

#14. David & Abigail - Part I, 1 Samuel 25:1-22 | (PDF)

#15. David & Abigail - Part II, 1 Samuel 25:23-42 | (PDF)

#16. Wilderness of Ziph, David spares Saul again ,1 Samuel 26 | (PDF)

#17. David in Ziklag, 1 Samuel 27 | (PDF)

#18. David, a Philistine Vassal, 1 Samuel 29, 30 | (PDF)

#19. Saul consults medium at Endor ,1 Samuel 28 | (PDF)

#20. Death of Saul 1 Samuel 31, II Samuel I | (PDF)

#21. Murder of Ishbosheth, II Samuel 4 :5 - 5:5 | (PDF)

#22. David consolidates Kingdom, II Samuel 5 | (PDF)

#23. Ark brought to Jerusalem, II Samuel 6 | (PDF)

#24. David & a house for the Ark, II Samuel 7:1-7 | (PDF)

#25. David & Mephibosheth, II Samuel 8, 9,10 | (PDF)

#26. David & Bathsheba - Part I, II Samuel 11. | (PDF)

$27. David & Bathsheba - Part II, II Samuel 12. | (PDF)

#28. David's Repentance, Part I, Psalm 51:1-9 | (PDF)

#29. David's Repentance, Part II, Psalm 51:10-19 | (PDF)

#30. Amnon and Tamar, II Samuel | (PDF)

#31. Absalom Revolts, Part I II Samuel 14-16 | (PDF)

Absalom Revolts, Part II, II Samuel 15, 16, 17 | (PDF)

Absalom is Defeated and Dies, II Samuel 16:15-19:8 | (PDF)

#34. Summary: The Life of David | (PDF)

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Special thanks to Helen Decoursey ( for transcribing and editing these messages.
Created August 28, 1996. Updated and Completed December 29, 1999.
Email corrections and changes to Lambert Dolphin (

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