The Ray C. Stedman Library
in Other Languages

The Ray Stedman Library consists of approximately 800 messages in the English language. We would like to translate these libraries into several foreign languages (especially Spanish) with the help of a team of volunteer translators, editors, proofreaders and HTML writers.

As soon as we have sample translations by volunteers completed, we'll post them one by one on the appropriate foreign language home page, and you, the reader, can tell us whether the meaning is clear and the translation is faithful to the original English.

If you have ability, time and interest, and would like to be part of our team please let us hear from you. Let us know your language proficiency and availability and we'll get back in touch promptly. Thank you very much!

We are ale to have excellent Spanish translations done for us by a professional evangelical translator, well below the cost of commercial translation. To do this we rely on gifts and donations from those interested. If you would like to see Ray Stedman's sermons all made available in Spanish, and can help us with this send an email to Bert Hartmann (

Spanish Language (Espagnol)

May 19, 1996. April 4, 2005.