In 1971 nine sermons based on the Parables of Jesus in Matthew 13 were preached at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California, by Ray C. Stedman. These messages (DP #452-460) are also available in book form. Files below are in HTML or PDF format.

  1. The Mystery of History (Matthew 13:1-17) (DP #452) | |
  2. The Case of the Lavish Farmer (13:3-9, 18-23) (DP #453) | |
  3. The Case of the Mysterious Harvest (13:24-30, 36-43) (DP #454) | |
  4. The Case of the Ambituous Seed (13:31- 32) (DP #455) | |
  5. The Case of the Sneaky Housewife (13:33) (DP #456) | |
  6. The Case of the Buried Treasure (13:44) (DP #457) | |
  7. The Case of the Valuable Pearl (13:45-46) (DP #458) | |
  8. The Case of the Great Dragnet (13:47-50) (DP #459) | |
  9. How to Handle Life (13:51-52) (DP #460) | |

Entire series in one Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file (60 pages, 220k)

This Index Page in PDF Format

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